Author: Kelly Slaughter

The pandemic has brought us six solid months of stress, anxiety, and fear of the unknown. Kelly at HealologyHealth wants you to know this Fall things are ramping up again, with increased COVID infection rates and back to school worries. Hundreds of studies have been...

Are you having a Surreal September? Kelly at HealologyHealth wants you to know our traditional season of going back to school and starting new work projects definitely has a few twists this year. We face many unknowns, but here’s what we do know: our immune system...

Kelly at HealologyHealth asks, Tossing and turning? Watching the hours crawl by? Even one night of poor sleep can make you an exhausted, irritable, sugar-craving beast the next day. We all have the odd sleepless night, but if sleep loss goes on long enough more...

Kelly with HealologyHealth asks, are your sugar cravings impossible to ignore? Is bloating, gas and foggy thinking part of your every day? If so, your “bad” bacteria may be calling the shots! The field of microbiome research has exploded recently. Every day new studies are revealing...

What does someone with heart disease look like? A stressed out CEO? A smoker over 50? Whatever image came to your mind, chances are it was of a male. We think of heart disease as a male problem, but did you know that more women...

Kelly at HealologyHealth wants you to know migraines are more than really bad headaches. In addition to throbbing head pain, migraine symptoms include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness and sudden mood changes. They can cause agonizing pain that leaves you huddled...

Carving out a home workspace, becoming a home-school teacher overnight - pandemic pivoting is tough. If you feel unsettled and exhausted, you’re not alone. But what if you were already feeling tired, stressed and overwhelmed before? Could your adrenal glands be part of the problem?...

Kelly at HealologyHealth says, let’s start with the good news: If you’re self-isolating, you should have more time to devote to creating a healthy diet for yourself. At least, that’s the fantasy that many of us started out with a few weeks ago. However, terms...