
Check Your Hormones! Luscious locks. Flowing tresses. Who doesn’t want to have a full head of shiny hair? Our culture certainly gives us the message that beautiful hair symbolizes youth and beauty. However, particularly as we age, many of us find that the soft, full hair we may have...

Breathing Techniques to Soothe the Soul Breathing Techniques at HealologyHealth “For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.”             — SanskritProverb Breath is vital. When we are stressed, happy, or exercising, breath causes a feedback loop for that physical state. However, breathing can...

Testosterone Testosterone at HealologyHealth Testosterone: Differences for men and women How does testosterone (T) differ between men and women? Men develop testosterone in the testes and women in the ovaries, adrenal glands on the kidneys, and in peripheral tissue. Women have much smaller amounts of testosterone than...

Everyday Things May Be Harming Your Health Environmental Pollution in the Home at HealologyHealth Is your home affecting your health? If you avoid obvious pollutants like cigarette smoke, you may be pretty certain your home is not toxic. And if you clean regularly, you might even be...

Kicking the Hot Flash out of Menopause Kicking the Hot Flash out of Menopause at HealologyHealth So many often ask the question… “Why are so miserable when going through the ‘change’ of pre-menopause and menopause?” But the real question should be… How do we relieve the symptoms...

Are You Living A Happy Life? Happy Life at HealologyHealth Are you happy?It might be a simple question, but for many people, happiness feels like an impossible goal to reach. In fact, studies show that only about one in three people consistently identify as “happy.”  If that seems...

Importance of Health Gut Importance of Gut Health at HealologyHealth When it comes to finding the root of wellness, the answer may lie in your gut. Apart from just telling you when it’s time to lay off the cheeseburgers, your gut plays a pivotal role in boosting...

What is fiber? Fiber at HealologyHealth Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plant foods. Unlike other carbohydrates, the body can’t digest fiber. Instead, fiber passes through the body, performing important functions in the process. The type of function performed depends on the type of fiber...